Pillar 1: Promoting Laboratory Visibility
Outlay a plan for communications to promote visibility of the laboratory and gain stakeholder buy-in and interest in the laboratory
Use this presentation to provide an overview of the “Promoting Lab Visibility” Pillar of the ASCP Negotiation and Advocacy Toolbox.
Note: Any tools and/or resources used from this Toolkit should be adapted for your own laboratory or health system, as appropriate
Lab Visibility Intended Use
Resource for every Toolkit which includes each document included in the toolkit and its potential intended use by end-users
Use this document to better understand the documents and tools in each Toolkit and how they can be used to better advocate for your laboratory’s needs.
Lab Visibility Supplementary References
Additional references and resources relevant to each Toolkit
Use this document to obtain additional references and resources for each pillar topic.
Lab Visibility
Elevate Lab Visibility
Use to elevate and sustain laboratory visibility internally within the health system, as well as externally. Identifies tools that you can use to advocate for your lab and efficiently run a clinical lab.
Lab Value Template
Sample presentation template with key metrics to include to demonstrate the value of the lab. Use to communicate the value of the lab to senior management, to gain trust and help justify needs for the lab.
Lab Newsletter
Use to communicate important changes such as new tests, obsolete test, new reference ranges, new technology both internally and externally. A newsletter can enhance trust between your laboratory and physicians. It can help brand your laboratory as a trusted resource and build expectations of what services you provide. Consult your marketing departments, as they may have templates already used within the organization.
Sample Lab Newsletter
Use to distribute internally and externally to communicate important changes such as new tests, obsolete tests, new reference ranges, new technology. A newsletter can enhance trust between your laboratory and physicians. It can help brand your laboratory as a trusted resource and build expectations of what services you provide.
Lab Visibility – Volunteer Newsletter Template
Used to communicate important updates and changes both internally and externally. A newsletter can enhance trust between your laboratory, physicians, and the community. It can help brand your laboratory as a trusted resource and build expectations of what services you provide to the hospital and community. This example from ASCP provides highlights of volunteer opportunities, spotlights on laboratorians, awards and scholarship opportunities. Consult your marketing departments, as they may have templates already used within the organization.
External (other Departments in the Organization):
Newborn Screen Tracking (Lab OB)
Tool to track outliers for Newborn Screening collections and submissions. Use this tool to work collaboratively with OB to improve processes.
External (to high school students, for career fairs, STEM events, etc.):
What’s My Next Website
ASCP’s website to provide helpful education and roadmaps on laboratory career pathways, one-pagers on different laboratory careers, videos from laboratory heroes, etc. This website has excellent promotional materials to support external advocacy as you help to bring awareness of clinical laboratory career paths to high school students, college students, career fairs, STEM events, and other public-facing laboratory visibility events.
Medical Laboratory Scientist (MLS) Presentation
Use to present at high schools, colleges, career days to promote the MLS profession.
Quality & Compliance (Organizational Quality / Division meeting)
Quarterly Quality Report
High-level scorecard reflecting the quality and services provided by the laboratory. Use this tool to share your quarterly metrics with Medical Directors and other departments as appropriate.
Corrected Report Audit
Tool that allows laboratory to track corrected reports and follow up actions. Share this information with Organizational Quality to identify errors or trends and to improve reporting.
Transfusion Medicine Statistics
Use to present key metrics at various committees and show to inspectors and senior administration. Also use to monitor trends and implement process improvements, if applicable.
Transfusion Medicine Metrics
Example of proposed transfusion guidelines for RBC and platelets. Incorporate in patient blood management program and clinical decision support to improve physician order practices. Present at transfusion committee and MED staff committee for approval.
AM Lab Metrics
Percent of AM lab draws that are collected, received, and/or resulted by 8 AM, 9 AM or any other defined time. Use to monitor % of AM draws resulted by a defined time frame (e.g. 8 AM, 9 AM) to expedite discharges by a defined time (e.g. 11 AM) and reduce Length of Stay (LOS).
Turnaround Time Metrics
Example of turn-around time dashboards for laboratory testing, various divisions. Use these dashboards to present at various committees. The Lab Turnaround Time KPI measures the ability of your lab to process lab results. This is the base KPI for any lab and is a leading indicator for patient satisfaction.
Inspection Report out
Use this template to share your inspection summary to Organizational Quality and Provision of Care staff and demonstrate lab value to the organization.
Quality – Coordination of Care (Nursing)
Pre-analytic Dashboards
Monitors pre-analytical non-conforming events such as hemolysis, clotted, and contaminated specimens. Use to help monitor the rate of individual phlebotomists to guide re-education and refresher training. Another use is to monitor nursing error rates and, if above the threshold, share results with the nurse educator to help with compliance. Pre- analytical errors comparing Phlebotomists Vs. Nursing can be used to justify hiring additional phlebotomists to draw blood.
Transfusion Report Out to Provision of Care Coordinating Council
Tool that presents metrics tracked in coordination with Organizational Quality or Provision of Care Coordinating Council. Present to organizational quality or Provision of Care Coordinating Council to provide updates and projects in progress.
Microbiology Specimen Labeling
Use to communicate internally and/or with outreach clients on the proper labeling of microbiology specimens.
Leaders Rounding on Internal Customers
Use this form and questions when rounding with managers and directors within the organization. This will help you gain insight on what is and is not working well and improve. Start rounding with areas that your lab interacts with the most such as the operating rooms, and/or you can use it to round with your outreach customers.
Value – Coordination of Care (Providers)
Test Utilization Metrics (Vit D example)
Example of Test Utilization dashboards. User can filter by test, ICD10 code, physician, and other metrics. Use to help give feedback of physician test utilization for specific tests such as Vitamin D, A1C, etc. Use to monitor overutilization of certain tests and help educate physicians and senior management. This also will help cut cost and help the bottom line of the health system.
Blood Utilization Dashboards
Sample blood utilization dashboards to present at transfusion committee and Medical Staff committees. Share with IT to give them an idea of what is required when building Transfusion Guideline dashboards. This tool will help reduce unwarranted blood product transfusions. All providers will be encouraged to help the System achieve this goal by reviewing their own transfusion utilization data.
Sample Microbiology Metrics
Use to present key microbiology metrics at various committees including Quality Assurance committee, Emergency Department, and infection control.
Sample Pathology Metrics
Use to present key metrics at various committees and to senior administration. Also, use to monitor trends and implement process improvements, if applicable.
Proposed Plasma Transfusion Guidelines
Incorporate in patient blood management program and clinical decision support to improve physician order practices. Present at the transfusion committee, MED staff committee and other committees for input and approval.
Proposed Transfusion Guidelines RBC and Platelets
Incorporate in patient blood management program and clinical decision support to improve physician order practices. Present at transfusion committee and MED staff committee for approval.
Blood Utilization Campaign Screen Saver
Roll-out as part of a marketing campaign plan to educate physicians and other healthcare providers regarding blood utilization. Transfusion of the smallest effective dose of red blood cells (RBCs) is recommended because liberal transfusion strategies do not improve outcomes when compared to restrictive strategies. Unnecessary transfusion generates costs and exposes patients to potential adverse effects without any likelihood of benefit. Clinicians are urged to avoid the routine administration of two units of RBCs if one unit is sufficient and to use appropriate weight-based dosing of RBCs in children.
Value – VP/COO Executive leader meetings
Clinical Lab Presentation
Sample PowerPoint highlighting key improvements and metrics about the Torrance Memorial Clinical Laboratory (a ASCP/JCC recognized Leading Laboratory). Use as an example on what to present as a brief overview about your clinical lab to highlight laboratory value, innovation, and quality.
Leading Lab Presentation
Presentation about elevating the profile of the laboratory (presented by Torrance Memorial Clinical Laboratory – a ASCP/ JCC recognized Leading Laboratory). Presentation that includes key slides and ideas that you can use to elevate and sustain the profile of your lab.
Videos / Tutorials
Blood Draw Center with Ihab
Sample video to use to explain the need and the importance of blood donation. Work with the internal marketing department to develop a video that you can play in the donor room while donors are waiting and/or share with internal employees as a part of blood donor campaign program.
How to Properly Label Specimens
Use to educate nurses and specific areas (e.g. Emergency department, etc.) on the proper labeling of blood specimens. Can use during nurse orientation or roll out internally with the help of your marketing department to educate all nurses and help lower the number of improperly labeled specimens. Accurate patient identification and correct specimen labeling are critical patient safety issues in healthcare. Inaccurately identified specimens can lead to delayed or wrong diagnoses, missed or incorrect treatments, blood transfusion errors, and additional laboratory testing.
ASCP What’s My Next
ASCP’s website to provide helpful education and roadmaps on laboratory career pathways, one-pagers on different laboratory careers, videos from laboratory heroes, etc. This website has excellent promotional materials to support external advocacy as you help to bring awareness of clinical laboratory career paths to high school students, college students, career fairs, STEM events, and other public-facing laboratory visibility events.