Pillar 5: Service & Growth

Accelerate innovation and implement the best cutting-edge technologies throughout the laboratory to increase clinical volume, operational expansion, and geographic outreach

Use this presentation to provide an overview of the “Service & Growth” Pillar of the ASCP Negotiation and Advocacy Toolbox.


Note: Any tools and/or resources used from this Toolkit should be adapted for your own laboratory or health system, as appropriate

Service and Growth Overview

Overview of Service and Growth Pillar
Use this presentation to provide an overview of the “Service and Growth” Pillar of the ASCP Negotiation and Advocacy Toolbox.

Service and Growth Intended Use

Use this document to better understand the documents and tools in each Toolkit and how they can be used to better advocate for your laboratory’s needs.

Service and Growth Supplementary References

These references serve as credible sources of information that can help bolster arguments, provide evidence, and inspire ideas for advancing the laboratory’s goals in terms of service provision and expansion.

Tips and Recommendations

Leveraging Service to Advocate for your Laboratory
Carefully read through the document to understand the service-oriented approaches suggested for advocating your laboratory’s goals.

Determine which strategies align best with your laboratory’s objectives and capabilities.

Create a plan outlining how you will implement the identified strategies within your laboratory setting.

Delegate tasks to team members or relevant stakeholders responsible for executing the action plan.

Harnessing Growth Tactics to Champion your Laboratory’s Goal
Read through the outlined strategies for harnessing growth tactics to advance laboratory advocacy efforts.

Identify which tactics are most relevant and feasible for your laboratory.

Develop a plan of action based on the recommendations provided.

Implement the chosen strategies to champion your laboratory’s goals.

Monitor progress and adjust strategies as needed to optimize outcomes.

Establishing an In-House Lab Training Program

MLS Training Program Business Case C-Suite Template
Use this template to help build a business proposal for an in-house training program {MLT, HT, MLS, etc) at your university or hospital system to address laboratory workforce shortages and upcoming retirements. Highlighted areas should be replaced with local figures, numbers, and context.

MLS Program Start Up C-Suite Presentation Template
Modify this presentation template with the specifics related to the in-house training program at your university/hospital system. This template is designed to make the case for the lab training program to a C-suite audience, and highlighted areas can be modified with relevant information. Notes for consideration are also available in the Slide Notes.

Reference Table for Drafting and Supporting MLS School
Use this reference table to identify potential published references that can be used to support an in-house laboratory training (MLS) program proposal.